Friday, August 18, 2006

More Work, Less Writing

I got in the habit of not posting to the blog there for a while. When all you do is sand, sand, repeat, there ain't much to document. It took me days and days to sand all the sharp edges off the wall poles. More sanding for the roof ring to clean it up, and then cutting and sanding the crown pieces for the top of the ring. And despite all that hard, back-bruising work, it is hard to tell a difference from photos. But you can tell immediately on touch. Everything is more refined after the hard, sharp edges have been taken off.

So there I was not blogging my sanding, and then I headed to Alaska for a week -- which was mind-blowing. So few humans, so much wilderness. I loved it: more snow-capped mountain peaks than you could count, spawning salmon, momma bear and cubs, salmon on the fishing line, picturesque coastal villages, salmon in my freezer. I will return. But then I landed back in Portland all in panic under the pressure of time and the overwhelming sprawl of work that yet lay before me. So blogging has been on hold, although much progress has been made. Dear reader, please return in a few weeks and you'll be able to see the rest of the story -- including playa pictures.


Blogger Oaktown Crack said...

I'm sooo excited to see the finished product out in the field!

26/8/06 8:16 PM  

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